2018-09-032018-09-031999FERNANDES, Nedja Suely et al. Estudo comparatvo entre alguns benzalpiruvatos fenil substituído de lantanídeos e ítrio no estado sólido. Eclética Química, Araraquara, v. 24, n. 1, p. 91-102, 1999.0100-4670e- 1678-4618http://repositorio.bc.ufg.br/handle/ri/15785In the present work the thermal decomposition step of some lanthanides and yttrium compounds involving different ligand phenyl-substituted derivatives of benzylidenepyruvate was appraised by thermogravimetry (TG). A correlation about the metal ions content was made by comparision of the results obtained by TG and EDTA complexometry.porAcesso AbertoTermogravimetria (TG)BenzalpiruvatosLantanídeosÍtrioTermogravimetry (TG)BenzylidenepyruvateLanthanidesYttriumEstudo comparativo entre alguns benzalpiruvatos-fenil substituído de lantanídeos e ítrio no estado sólidoComparative Study between some lanthanides and yttrium compounds involving different ligand phenyl-substituted derivatives of benzylidenepyruvate in the solid stateArtigo10.1590/S0100-46701999000100007