2017-12-072017-12-072015-04FURTADO, Rita Márcia Magalhães. O descompasso entre as maneiras de ver e sentir na sociedade contemporânea. Trama Interdisciplinar, São Paulo, v. 6, n. 1, p. 84-91, jan./abr. 2015.2177-5672http://repositorio.bc.ufg.br/handle/ri/13108The look plays a key role in human being’s condition. Due to this importance assigned to the look, the image has increasingly been a source of research and reflection on its concepts, its features, its uses, its visibility ways, and its implications in the process of constituting the autonomy. In the light of a reflection conducted by three authors – Jean-Pierre Vernant (2002), Claudine Haroche (2008), and Jacques Rancière (2012) – we present herein a reflection on the mismatch between the ways of seeing and feeling in contemporary society, as a con- sequence of the interaction with images and, particularly, with art images.porAcesso AbertoImagemPensamentoEstéticaImageVisibilitySubjectivityThinkingAestheticsVisibilidadeSubjetividadeO descompasso entre as maneiras de ver e sentir na sociedade contemporâneaThe mismatch between ways of seeing and feeling in contemporary societiesArtigo