2020-02-132020-02-132014-07GUIMARÃES, Maria Severina Batusta; CAMARGO, Goiandira Ortiz de. Adélia Prado e a poética da ressalva. Diadorim, Rio de Janeiro, v. 15, p. 77-93, jul. 2014.e- 1980-2552http://repositorio.bc.ufg.br/handle/ri/18674The recurrence with an author uses certain stylistic resources to features to incorporate in your language experience is its poetics. In Adelia Prado, the most recurring themes of his work have already been well explored by critical, considering that it is a very well read poet and studied in academia. The study that we present in this article is intended to be one more contribution to its critical fortune, highlighting an important issue that permeates throughout its theme: the recurrence with the poet uses the adversative connectives, but mostly, what gives his poetry one sense of caveat, meaning of redemption of thefeminine condition.porAcesso AbertoPoéticaCondição femininaExperiênciaDiscursoPoetryWomanhoodExperienceSpeechAdélia Prado e a poética ressalvaArtigo10.35520/diadorim.2014.v15n0a4018