2019-03-252019-03-252018-12-17SILVA, Glauco Buarque da. Construindo um quadricóptero com o microcontrolador ATMEGA328-PB. 2018. 93 f. Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso (Graduação) – Escola de Engenharia Elétrica Mecânica e de Computação, Universidade Federal de Goiás, Goiânia, 2018.http://repositorio.bc.ufg.br/handle/ri/17242The present work demonstrates the construction of a quadcopter (air vehicle quad motor), from its physical construction to its implantation by software. It is a strapdown system because its sensors are strapped to the structure, removing the need for some calibrations and increasing its reliability by reducing moving parts. It comes from a negative feedback and through an inertial sensor (containing 3x accelerometers, 3x gyroscopes, 3x magnetometers, in an exclusive board) the control stabilization software was developed using a discrete PID control technique, with addition of a mechanism for displacement. The algorithm used to solve electrical noise problem (read in sensors) is Digital IIR 2nd order bi-quad low-pass filter, and 'Filter Madgwick-Mahony', which uses 'quaternions' to further calculate Euclidean angles: pitch, roll and yaw. Was also performed the Fourier analysis of frequency spectrum to set up the filter cut-off frequency. The use of an ATMEGA328-PB AVR 8-bit microcontroller has processing capability limitations and was necessary to use some optimizations and approximations. Its CPU does not have a FPU (floatingpoint unit) to deal with floating point calculations (they are emulated by software, the compiler AVR-GCC does it automatically). The IDE used to develop the microcontroller firmware was “Atmel Studio 7.0”. Telemetry and control software was developed on C# (C Sharp) in “Microsoft Visual Studio 2017”, for purposes of monitoring, measurement and simulation (filter response).porAcesso AbertoDroneQuadricópteroFiltro mahonyFiltro digital IIRControlador PIDAVRQuadcopterMahony filterDigital IIR filterPID controllerConstruindo um quadricóptero com o microcontrolador ATMEGA328-PBBuilding a quadcopter with ATMEGA328-PB microcontrollerTCC