2018-11-132018-11-132010-11MELLO, Luiz; GONÇALVES, Eliane. Diferença e interseccionalidade: notas para pensar práticas em saúde. Cronos, Natal, v. 11, n. 2, p. 163-173, nov. 2010.e- 1982-5560http://repositorio.bc.ufg.br/handle/ri/16425In this article we propose a reflection on the social construction of difference and of how the markers that define us as persons in the social life work producing multiple inequalities. We adopt the concept of intersecctionality to think about inequalities in general and those which affects the health practices in particular. It aims to contribute to the construction of an analytical framework that surpasses partial and dichotomic visions in the treatment of differences in a social reality rulled by structured and structuring inequalities.porAcesso AbertoDiferençaDesigualdadeInterseccionalidadePráticas de saúdeDifferenceInequalityIntersectionalityHealth practicesDiferença e interseccionalidade: notas para pensar práticas em saúdeDifferences and intersectionalities: notes for thinking about health practicesArtigo