2018-02-162018-02-162008-03VIU, Marco Antônio de Oliveira; BRASIL, Ipojucan de Goiás; LOPES, Dyomar Toledo; GAMBARINI, Maria Lúcia; FERRAZ, Henrique Trevizoli; OLIVEIRA FILHO, Benedito Dias de; MAGNABOSCO, Cláudio de Ulhôa; VIU, Alessandra Feijó Marcondes. Fertilidade real e intervalo de partos de vacas Nelore po sob manejo extensivo e sem estação de monta na região centro oeste do Brasil. Bioscience Journal, Umuarama, v. 24, n. 1, p. 104-111, jan./mar. 2008.e- 1981-3163http://repositorio.bc.ufg.br/handle/ri/13649This study was designed to evaluate the variation sources that interfere in the true fertility index and the effect of herd environment in the calving interval of Nelore P.O. cows raised in extensive production systems in Middle-West of Brazil, without breeding season. The analyzed data were parity order (OP), calving age (IP), calf birth weight (PN), weaning weight (PD), calving year and month (AP, MP) and calf sex (SB) of 546 cows, calculating the calving interval (IDP) and fixing the aleatory effect of mother (EAM). IDP and PD were used to calculate the index of true fertility (FR). IDP (452,68±117,10 days) was influenced (P <0,05) by OP, IP, PN and EAM. FR average (148,6±34,5kg) was influenced (P <0,05) by AP, MP, OP, S and IM.porAcesso AbertoAmbiênciaEficiência reprodutivaPartoPeso à desmamaCalvingEnvironmentReproductive efficiencyWeaning weightFertilidade real e intervalo de partos de vacas Nelore po sob manejo extensivo e sem estação de monta na região centro oeste do BrasilTrue fertility and calving interval of Nelore po cows under extensive management and without breeding season in middle west of BrazilArtigo