2018-01-292018-01-292014-07NASCIMENTO, Gisele Mendanha; LEONÍDIO, Angélica Ribeiro Araújo; FIGUEIRA, Samantha Verdi; MOTA, Bárbara de Paiva; ANDRADE, Maria Auxiliadora. Aditivos alimentares como alternativa aos antibióticos promotores de crescimento em dietas para frangos de corte. Enciclopédia Biosfera, Goiânia, v. 10, n. 18, p. 119-146, jul. 2014.1809-0583e- 2317-2606http://repositorio.bc.ufg.br/handle/ri/13538Antimicrobial compounds are commonly included in poultry diets for promotion of growth and control of diseases. However, because of the risk of possible drug resistence in human pathogenic bacteria, the European Union has banned feed grade antibiotic growth performance in animal diets. The ban creates the prospect of investing in research for innovative strategies and alternative products. There are number of non-therapeutic alternatives, including enzymes, prebiotics, probiotics, organics acids and phytogenics. their characteristics, modes of action, effects on performance and health of broilers are described in this review.porAcesso AbertoÁcidos orgânicosAntimicrobianosFitogênicosPrebióticosProbióticosAntimicrobialOrganics acidsPhytogenicsPrebioticsProbioticsAditivos alimentares como alternativa aos antibióticos promotores de crescimento em dietas para frangos de corteFeed additive as alternative for na antibiotics growth promoter in broiler dietArtigo