2019-08-232019-08-232019-07-15SILVA, Henrique Gebran. Cálculo do tempo de reverberação através do método do traçado de raios acústicos importando dados geométricos de desenho no Autocad. 2019. 95 f. Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso (Graduação) - Escola de Engenharia Elétrica, Mecânica e da Computação, Universidade Federal de Goiás, Goiânia, 2019.http://repositorio.bc.ufg.br/handle/ri/17981One of the most important acoustic characteristics in specifying an area, if not the most important, is the reverberation time. This feature is directly linked to acoustic sensations and intelligibility in a closed place. Tools that can predict and simulate reverberation times are very useful for designing rooms, auditoriums, amphitheaters, and other places. Among the methods of calculation of reverberation time are statistical methods, such as those of Sabine, Eyring-Norris and Eyring, and geometric methods such as the method of tracing acoustic rays. Statistical methods are simpler and less expensive, so they are widely used, but do not consider the geometric characteristics of the place. Statistical methods are used for complex geometries and to study specific regions inside a place. The objective of this research is to create a code in the software MATLAB that imports the geometric data of drawings previously made in the software AutoCAD and to calculate the reverberation time of these places using the acoustic rays tracing method and to compare the results with the values obtained by the statistical methods for 3 rooms analyzed, in order to validate the program. The results were satisfactorily close to those obtained by the statistical methods, and the program was validated. After that, the absorptivity of one of the first room sides was changed and the reverberation time recalculated, to show the practicality when changing parameters and efficiency of the program.porAcesso AbertoTempo de reverberaçãoMétodo do traçado de raios acústicosAutocadReverberation timeAcoustic ray tracing methodAutocadCálculo do tempo de reverberação através do método do traçado de raios acústicos importando dados geométricos de desenho no AutocadComputing of the reverberation time through the acoustic ray tracing method importing geometric data of Autocad LayoutTCC