2020-02-112020-02-112015-07LIMA, Roberto. Mesoamérica-sertão: um pouco de análise mítica. Revista de Antropologia da UFSCar, São Carlos, v. 7, n. 2, p. 57-71, jul./dez. 2015.e- 2175-4705http://repositorio.bc.ufg.br/handle/ri/18639In this article I intend to quickly expose two examples of nation’s imaginary construction developed in the two largest Latin America nation-states, Brazil and Mexico. It is considered that sertão and mesoamerica are two myths of the construction of these two nationstates, respectively. Starting from some narrative fragments, I chose and analyzed some mythemes, in their chains of relationships, to show similarities and differences between these two founding myths. In the end, they are noticed as parts of a larger myth: from the conquest, colonialism and modernity.porAcesso AbertoSertãoMesoaméricaAnálise míticaMesoamericMythical analysisMesoamérica-sertão um pouco de análise míticaArtigo