2022-03-092022-03-092021-11-18BARBOSA, Ivone Garcia; MARTINS, Telma Aparecida Teles; SOARES, Marcos Antônio. Infância, educação e trabalho: relações contraditórias na vida da criança no contexto capitalista. Polyphonía, Goiânia, v. 32, n. 2, p. 39–58, jul./dez. 2021. Disponível em: https://www.revistas.ufg.br/sv/article/view/70889.e- 2238-88502236-0514http://repositorio.bc.ufg.br/handle/ri/20329This text discusses the relationship between childhood, education and work in capitalist society, based on the understanding that these dimensions of social life are socio-historical constructs located in a given context and demarcated in / by class struggles. The analyzes elaborated consider the different dimensions and their multiple conditioning factors in the lives of low-income children, who live in the countryside and in the city, who submit, in some way, to the logic of work and the capitalist production system. Based on a bibliographic and documentary research, using the dialectical materialistic historical method as a reference, data from research carried out on the theme and social indicators that portray Brazilian and Goiás childhoods that are educated by / in the world of work are highlighted. In this scenario, recent statistics point out that child labor has taken an upward trend in Brazilian states like Goiás, contrary to the legislation in force in the country. The evidence announces both the conformation and the resistance of the different social subjects - including the children themselves - with regard to the search for the consolidation of human rights, in particular, the rights of children worldwide and nationally, there is an urgent need to defend and build referenced proposals in an integral emancipating education.porAcesso AbertoCriança no capitalismoTrabalho infantilEducaçãoChild in capitalismChild laborEducationInfância, educação e trabalho: relações contraditórias na vida da criança no contexto capitalistaChildhood, education and work: contraditional relationships in children's life in the capitalist contextArtigo10.5216/rp.v32i2.70889