2021-06-092021-06-092015-08SANTANA, Jorge Alves. Corpos rizomáticos na diáspora heterotópico-subjetiva de Um copo de cólera, de Raduan Nassar. Ilha do Desterro, Florianópolis, v. 68, p. 27-42, maio/ago. 2015. 0101-4846e-  2175-8026http://repositorio.bc.ufg.br/handle/ri/19546Representations of the process of subjectivity and transversal spaces are perceived and analyzed in Raduan Nassar’s Um copo de cólera. Among traces of madness, obtained by an updating of the image of h e ship of fools in the conl ict between pastoral bucolism and the emergency of urban productivity, the study proceeds to the territorialized and deterritorialized production of faciality that reveal openings to possibilities of new emotional, cultural and political pacts in which the meaning of madness moves to less essentialist and more historical realities.porAcesso AbertoUm copo de cóleraProcessos de subjetivaçõesBodiesShip of foolsProcess of subjectivitiesCorpos rizomáticos na diáspora heterotópico-subjetiva de Um copo de cólera, de Raduan NassarRhizomatic bodies and diasporic subjective-heterotopic in Raduan Nassar’s um copo de cóleraArtigo10.5007/2175-8026.2015v68n2p27