2024-07-262024-07-262020PEREIRA, Tamiris Maia Gonçalves; MAGALHAES, Sônia Maria de; NAZARENO, Elias. Estado do conhecimento sobre história da alimentação indígena no Brasil. História: questões e debates, Curitiba, v. 68, n. 1, p. 368-403, 2020. DOI: 10.5380/his.v68i1.63774. Disponível em: https://revistas.ufpr.br/historia/article/view/63774. Acesso em: 25 jul. 2024.2764-9792e- 2447-8261.http://repositorio.bc.ufg.br//handle/ri/25093History of Food, focusing on indigenous food. If previously, until the 1950s, research on food was marked by folk and economic approaches, later studies on the subject brought new perspectives. There was in Brazil the boost of productions that privileged issues related to identity, habits, health and consumption. We propose, therefore, a description and analysis of the books, dissertations and theses that privilege Indian food in Brazil, which allow the perception of this change of focus. In advance we say that food has become the target of new questions. Concerns about environmental policies, which seek to implement sustainability in environmental management in the face of new ecological problems; with the discourses about the nutritional healthy and about the transformations occurring from the new relations between countryside and city; the food allowed discussions to move beyond the walls of universities and academic institutions, opening up possibilities for investigations that could also cover indigenous people.porAcesso AbertoEstado do conhecimentoHistória da alimentaçãoAlimentação indígenaState-of-the-art knowledgeHistory of foodIndigenous foodEstado do conhecimento sobre história da alimentação indígena no BrasilState of knowledge on history of indigenous food in BrazilArtigo10.5380/his.v68i1.63774