2013-10-132013-10-132005-12-30MEDEIROS, M; PORTES, G. P; OLIVEIRA, J. P. C. de; FERREIRA, M. L. Mitos e Imagens Arquetípicas na Mídia: a construção narrativa em O Senhor dos Anéis. Comunicação & Informação, Goiânia, GO, v. 8, n. 2, p.139 - 147, jul./dez. 2005. Disponível em: <http://www.revistas.ufg.br/index.php/ci/article/view/24697>.1415- 5842http://repositorio.bc.ufg.br/handle/ri/1433v. 8, n. 2, p.139-147, jul./dez. 2005.This research aims at studying the behavior of public in general regarding the collective unconscious images, that according to Jung, are in everyone's mind, and do not take social class, religion, race, etc as a matter of choice. These archetypical images are responsible for the psyche structuration, establishing ways to go on, and how to go through them. For a better understanding, an interview was made with students from public and private schools. The data collected from the survey was processed according to their classification, age, and social class; which resulted in a final parallel between such information.pt-BRSenhor dos AnéisMitosAnáliseImagens arquetípicasComportamento do públicoMitos e imagens arquetípicas na mídia: a construção narrativa em O Senhor dos Anéis.Myths and archetypical Images on media: the narrative constructionon The Lord of the RingsArticle