2022-04-202022-04-202016MENDONÇA NETO, Wilson Lopes; KNEIB, Cristine Kneib. Centralidades urbanas e oferta de transporte público coletivo em Goiânia-GO, 2014. Transportes, São Paulo, v. 24, n. 1,  p. 42-50, 2016.2237-1346http://repositorio.bc.ufg.br/handle/ri/20671The aim of this study is the identification of urban centralities and analysis of public transportation supply in these areas, in Goiania. To identify centralities were used some tools, as the Exploratory Analysis of Spatial Variables, statistical analyzes and investigations of outliers. The operationalization of the procedures was performed through the use of Geographic Information Systems focused on four variables: average income, population density, density of public transportation lines and density of public transportation supply. Infographics gathering graphs, statistical summaries and boxplots and thematic maps were generated. Spatial analysis was performed by generating maps of scattering Moran (BoxMap). The results showed centralities with high and low supply of public transportation and, also, allowed to conclude that there is a large gap between mobility policies with policies of urban expansion, on the studied case.porAcesso AbertoCentralidades urbanasTransporte coletivoAnálise exploratória de dados espaciaisGoiâniaUrban centralityPublic transportationExploratory spatial data analysisGoiâniaCentralidades urbanas e oferta de transporte público coletivo em Goiânia-GO, 2014Artigohttps://doi.org/10.14295/transportes.v24i1.916