2022-06-142022-06-142022-04-13LIMA, Francisco Edvan Figueredo. A experimentação no ensino de ciências: uma proposta conceitual para os termos materiais de baixo custo, alternativos e de fácil acesso. 2022. 32 f. Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso (Graduação) – Unidade Acadêmica Especial de Ciências Humanas, Universidade Federal de Goiás, Goiás, 2022.http://repositorio.bc.ufg.br/handle/ri/20867The objective this research was to develop an investigation on the use of the term low cost in the proposal of experiments in science teaching. For this, a search was carried out in the journals in the CAPES database, considering low-cost experimentation as a keyword or term. The result of the search build a database with articles and thirty one (31 whose thematic involvement). However, the terms that were listed did not only consist of experiments that used low-cost materials, but also referred to alternatives and easily accessible materials. This is the study to propose a conceptualization for each of the terms in the literature. For this, the practical devices were designed in three categories: Experimentation as a domain of practice, Experimentation as a philosophical domain and Experimentation as a philosophical domain. The purchases will allow us to understand and define the terms: low cost, alternative and access. Furthermore, it was possible to subdivide the experimental practice as follows: Development of the Experiment, Type of Experiment and Types of materials used. It was possible, that it is possible, formation also in the initial delimitation of the polysemy of experimentation to assume either in the continued formation reverberation of the terms used for the different materials for the experimentation. This indistinction causes a confusion where everything that is intended is a more accessible practice for science teaching is termed as low cost.porAcesso AbertoExperimentaçãoMateriais de baixo custoDe fácil acesso e alternativoPolissemiaEnsino de ciênciasExperimentationLow-costEasily accessible and alternative materialsPolysemyScience teachingA experimentação no ensino de ciências: uma proposta conceitual para os termos materiais de baixo custo, alternativos e de fácil acessoExperimentation in science teaching: a conceptual proposal for low-cost, alternative and easily accessible material termsTCC