2020-03-202020-03-202012FREIRE, Maria do Carmo Matias et al. Guias alimentares para a população brasileira: implicações para a política nacional de saúde bucal. Cadernos de Saúde Pública, Rio de Janeiro, v. 28, supl., p. s20-s29, 2012.0102-311Xhttp://repositorio.bc.ufg.br/handle/ri/18879Dietary guidelines are intended to orient dietary habits and policies for health promotion and disease prevention. This article discusses Brazil’s national dietary guidelines, aiming to identify issues that can support the strategies proposed by the National Policy on Oral Health. The two currently available official guidelines produced by the Ministry of Health were reviewed: the Dietary Guidelines for Children under Two and the Population Dietary Guidelines. The guidelines recommend reduction in sugar intake, essential for caries prevention, and other measures to prevent tooth decay and oral cancer. These guidelines are thus a key part of an oral and overall health promotion strategy and should be integrated into the National Policy on Oral Health.porAcesso AbertoFood guideHealth promotionOral healthGuias alimentaresPromoção da saúdeSaúde bucalGuias alimentares para a população brasileira: implicações para a política nacional de saúde bucalDietary guidelines for the brazilian population: implications for the brazilian national policy on oral healthArtigo10.1590/S0102-311X2012001300004