2020-03-042020-03-042012-08CAMARGO, Robson Corrêa de. Samuel Beckett: (re) construindo imagens e memórias. Fênix: revista de história e estudos culturais, Uberlândia, v. 9, n. 2, p. 1-19, maio/ago. 2012.e- 1807-6971http://repositorio.bc.ufg.br/handle/ri/18796The scope of this work is to present the reception of the artistic work of Samuel Beckett at Brazil, in its first Brazilian performance (1955), the first after the French performance, showing different perceptions on this country, both made by critics as by his performers. This study, on playbills, pictures and Brazilian newspapers, was conducted by a director as part of the process of performing Godot in 1995 at the Drama Undergrad Program at University of São Paulo and in 2006 at another staging made at a research group (at Goias, UFG), on a distinct approach.porAcesso AbertoEsperando GodotRecepção de BeckettAlfredo MesquitaBeckett no BrasilWaiting for GodotBeckett’s receptionBeckett at BrazilSamuel Beckett: (re) construindo imagens e memóriasArtigo