2021-08-122021-08-122014BRITTO, Tarsila Couto de. Tempo e eternidade: a restauração da poesia do fim. Texto Poético, Goiânia, v. 10, n. 16, p. 123-144, 2014.1808-5385http://repositorio.bc.ufg.br/handle/ri/19752The present article has as object the book Tempo e Eternidade, written by Murilo Mendes in 1935 under the influence of his conversion to Catholicism. In these admittedly dogmatic poems, the relations between literary and sacred are the outcome of the encounter between Ismael Nery’s essentialist philosophy, the formal program of French surrealism and the promises and images in the Apocalypse of John.porAcesso AbertoMurilo MendesSurrealismoTempo e eternidadeApocalipseEssencialismoMurilo MendesTempo e eternidadeEssentialismSurrealismApocalypseTempo e eternidade: a restauração da poesia do fimTempo e eternidade: the restoration of the poetry of the endArtigo10.25094/rtp.2014n16a210