2022-09-132022-09-132013BORGES, Rosana Maria Ribeiro. O território geográfico como categoria metodológica dos estudos em Comunicação Social e Jornalismo. Revista Contemporânea, Rio de Janeiro, ano 11, v. 1, n. 21, p. 48-61, 2013.e- 1806-0498http://repositorio.bc.ufg.br/handle/ri/21338The article discusses the geographical category “territory” as a possibility for theoretical and methodological research in Media and Journalism, especially on the understanding that there is no conformation territorial attribution of senses, that is, the latent connections between the territory and symbolic production, which also has a geopolitical dimension, historical and cultural. Initially, the text presents some considerations about the relations, meetings and possibilities between Geography and Journalism. Later, presents reflections on territory, power and control to encompass the meanings of the territories, the processes of communication and territorial dynamics that increasingly erect networks. The final notes indicate the territory as a category important methodological studies and journalistic communication, able to extend readings, approaching the totality of historical processes.porAcesso AbertoTerritório geográficoGeografia e JornalismoPesquisa em Comunicação e JornalismoGeographic territoryGeography and JournalismResearch in Communication and JournalismO território geográfico como categoria metodológica dos estudos em Comunicação Social e JornalismoThe geographical territory as a category of methodological studies in Media and JournalismArtigo