2024-08-062024-08-062020-04CALAÇA, Manoel; JESUS, José Novais de; BORGES, Ronan Eustáquio; MAURO, Rogério Antônio. Questão agrária e luta pela terra e pela reforma agrária no estado de Goiás no contexto das transformações territoriais. Revista Campo-Território, Uberlândia, v. 15, n. 35, p. 314–342, 2020. DOI: 10.14393/RCT153512. Disponível em: https://seer.ufu.br/index.php/campoterritorio/article/view/53331. Acesso em: 2 ago. 2024.e- 1809-6271http://repositorio.bc.ufg.br//handle/ri/25220This article analyzes the agrarian question and land-related fights in GoiásState, in the context of occupation and territorial transformations. Analyzesthe phases of Goiás territory occupation and formation processes the appropriation of indigenous territories, eventually leading to large estates and empowerment of influential people and “masters of the land”. After the waning of gold exploration, the main economic activity in colonial times, large farms were created to raise cattle and promote a subsistence agriculture. Since then, land grabbing, the expropriation and exclusionof workers and indigenous people have become common farmers ́ practices so as to have their land expanded. The few families related to land owners have constituted a new breed of land masters, which have bonds with the Federal government and have gained political control over state institutions. The working population was left to organize peasant movements and fight against abuses performed by the dominant class and for access to the land, as an alternative to survive and remain in the country. Important fights have been and will continue to be implemented to change such an unfair reality.porAcesso AbertoTerritórioLatifúndioLuta pela terraReforma agráriaCamponesesAgrarian questionTerritoryLarge estatesFight for landPeasantsQuestão agrária e luta pela terra e pela reforma agrária no estado de Goiás no contexto das transformações territoriaisAgrarian question and the fight for land in the context of territorial transformations in Goiás stateArtigo10.14393/RCT153512