2018-12-052018-12-052012-12VIANA, Nildo. A alienação como relação social. Revista Sapiência: sociedade, saberes e práticas educacionais, Iporá, v. 1, n. 2, p. 23-42, jul./dez. 2012.e- 2238-3565http://repositorio.bc.ufg.br/handle/ri/16515The word alienation has several meanings. The article seeks to recover the Marxist concept of alienation. From the contributions of Marx and other authors, the alienation is understood as being fundamentally a social relation of hetero, that is, it refers to a situation of control by another. Alienation, in turn, creates alienation, which is loss of possession or ownership, and fetishism (or estrangement). The key element to understand the alienation and its generalization is the concept of alienated labor. In capitalism, alienated labor takes specific form by capitalist commodity production through extraction of surplus value, which creates commodity fetishism and generalization of both in modern society.porAcesso AbertoAlienaçãoAlheamentoFetichismo da mercadoriaClasse socialTrabalho alienadoAlienationDispossessionCommodity fetishismSocial classAlienated laborA alienação como relação socialAlienation as social relationArtigo