2024-09-132024-09-132024-07-18CAMARGO, Pedro Henrique Grizelak Ferreira. Análise de carteiras compostas por ações de empresas de setores potencialmente poluidores: há um prêmio de retorno? 2024. 27 f. Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso (Bacharelado em Ciências Contábeis) – Faculdade de Administração, Economia e Ciências Contábeis, Universidade Federal de Goiás, Goiânia, 2024.http://repositorio.bc.ufg.br//handle/ri/25534This study aimed to examine the returns of portfolios composed of stocks from companies in potentially polluting sectors, as defined by Law 10,165 of 2000, and compare them with portfolios composed of non-polluting companies. The research adopted a quantitative and descriptive methodology, utilizing secondary data from the Economatica database. The sample included 223 Brazilian companies listed on B3, covering the period from 2018 to 2022. Portfolios were constructed, divided between potentially polluting and non-polluting companies, totaling 217 portfolios. The analysis used descriptive statistics and the t-test for difference of means to evaluate portfolio returns. The results showed that, in terms of average returns, there was no significant difference between the portfolios of polluting and nonpolluting companies. However, when analyzing higher return percentiles, it was observed that portfolios of non-polluting companies outperformed those of polluting companies, indicating inferior performance of the latter in the best return scenarios.porAcesso AbertoPoluiçãoPortfólioRetornoPollutionPortfólioReturnAnálise de carteiras compostas por ações de empresas de setores potencialmente poluidores: há um prêmio de retorno?Trabalho de conclusão de curso de graduação (TCCG)