2020-02-132020-02-132010-06RIBEIRO, Renata Rocha; CAMARGO, Goiandira de Fátima Ortiz. Canto compassado: os cantares de amigo e os Cantares de Hilda Hilst. Revista Eletrônica Via Litterae, Anápolis, v. 2, p. 249-264, jan./jun. 2010.e- 2176-6800http://repositorio.bc.ufg.br/handle/ri/18682This article aims to analyze parts of Hilda Hilst’s lyrical poems. At first, her production will be analyzed in the scenery of the contemporaneous Brazilian lyrical setting to try to establish which lyrical trend she fits in. After this, some characteristics of the Galician-Portuguese Chants, the cantigas de amigo, with a female lyrical self, will be related to Hilst’s poems, such as the female self, the structure and the themes. To sum up, it will be discussed how Hilda Hilst has promoted new reading approaches about this genre – the Trovadorism lyrical chants – especially in her book Cantares, published in 2002.porAcesso AbertoLírica brasileiraContemporaneidadeTrovadorismo galego-portuguêsCantigas de amigoHilda HilstBrazilian lyricContemporaneityGalician-portuguese trovadorismFemale lyrical selfCanto compassado: os cantares de amigo e os Cantares de Hilda HilstChants in compass: the galician-portuguese trovadorism and Hilda Hilst's chants (cantares)Artigo