2018-02-202018-02-202013BORGES, Maria Eliza. Arte funerária no Brasil: uma pesquisa peculiar no campo das artes visuais. Locus, Juiz de Fora, v. 37, n. 1, p. 103-123, 2013.1413-3024http://repositorio.bc.ufg.br/handle/ri/13705The text addresses the circumscription of the research on funerary art in Brazil because it is a material artifact of great significance for the history of art and cultural history. It displays the revision of a basic principle to work with funeral works in secular cemeteries: the identification of artistic styles, cultural identities and records of memories.porAcesso AbertoCemitérioArte funeráriaBrasilCemeteryFunerary artBrazilArte funerária no Brasil: uma pesquisa peculiar no campo das artes visuaisFunerary art in Brazil: a peculiar research in the field of visual artsArtigo