2018-09-282018-09-282004-06PAULA, Lucas de; BORGES, Maria Helena Jayme. O ensino da performance musical: uma abordagem teórica sobre o desenvolvimento dos eventos mentais relacionados às ações e emoções presentes no fazer musical. Música Hodie, Goiânia, v. 4, n. 1, p. 29-44, jan./jun. 2004.Disponível em: < https://www.revistas.ufg.br/musica/article/view/19779/11425>.1676-3939http://repositorio.bc.ufg.br/handle/ri/16089This article intends based on writings about cognitive psychology found in the book How the mind works by Steven Pinker, to argue about the development of the inner events, or mental activities connected to actions and emotions that control the instrumental practise. The interdisciplinar character of making music, implying to its realization in connecting with others knowledge‘s areas, imposes to instrument teacher the duty of to be constantly bringing up to date the knowledge referring to areas interfaced with instrumental performance. In this way, the music teacher as a conscious instructor that making music is linked a lot of others areas must to be informed about the psychosomatics process that control the human activities to apply this knowledge in music performance.porAcesso AbertoTeoriaPerformance musicalAtividade mentalCogniçãoPerformance theoryMental activityCognitionO ensino da performance musical: uma abordagem teórica sobre o desenvolvimento dos eventos mentais relacionados às ações e emoções presentes no fazer musicalArtigo10.5216/mh.v4i1.19779