2023-04-052023-04-052017-06FONSECA, Pedro Carlos Louzada; SILVA, Alessandra Fabrícia Conde da. A tradição imaginária da voz divina em A demanda do Santo Graal: salvação e revelação. Mirabilia Journal, Barcelona, v. 26, n. 1, p. 146-156, jan./jun. 2017. Disponível em: https://www.revistamirabilia.com/issues/mirabilia-26-2018-1/article/imaginary-tradition-divine-voice-quest-holy-grail-salvation-and. Acesso em: 23 mar. 2023.e- 1676-5818http://repositorio.bc.ufg.br/handle/ri/22232The Divine Voice or voice without body appears in many episodes of The Quest for the Holy Grail, communicating with several characters in different ways. It represents one of the aspects of the medieval imaginary tradition present in the work. This article presents an overview of the manifestations of the Santa Voz, when in contact with several characters, especially with the sister maiden of Perceval and the Fisher King. And it shows what is special about this manifestation revealed to these characters. In the discussion of the theme the article argues on a possible rescue of the feminine figure within the scope of the medieval masculinist culture. For the accomplishment of this study, critical support was sought in Paul Zumthor, Gilbert Durand, Howard Bloch, Mario Pilosu, among other authors.porAcesso AbertoLiteratura medievalA demanda do Santo GraalVoz divinaIrmã de PersivalRei pescadorMedieval literatureThe quest for the Holy GrailDivine voiceSister of PercivalFisher kingA tradição imaginária da voz divina em A demanda do Santo Graal: salvação e revelaçãoLa tradición imaginaria de la voz divina en La demanda del Santo Grial: salvación y revelaciónThe Imaginary tradition of the divine voice in The quest for the Holy Grail: salvation and revelationArtigo