2022-05-112022-05-112011-12LIMA, Fábio F. Novas fronteiras espaciais: hibridização entre arte e arquitetura digital. Revista Estética e Semiótica, Brasília, DF , v. 1, n. 1, p. 65–77, jul./dez. 2011.2238-362Xhttp://repositorio.bc.ufg.br/handle/ri/20749Expressive practices in contemporary productions are entwined in many placements circumstantial, promoting new strategies and making formal symbioses spatial, through to the computing resources and processes typical of art in its multiple cadences. In this context, strong tendencies to enable implementation of procedures bordering the enunciation, through to the generative processes and structures algorithmic applications of logical-mathematical, containing abstract principles in its interiors that promote new geometries and fluid whose surfaces raises natural aspects. In this poetic territory, the buildings are modeled sculptures with attributes plastics.porAcesso AbertoArte digitalArquiteturaProcessos híbridosDigital artArchitectureHybrid processesNovas fronteiras espaciais: hibridização entre arte e arquitetura digitalArtigohttps://doi.org/10.18830/issn2238-362X.v1.n1.2011.04