2017-09-122017-09-122010SILVEIRA, Graciele Paraguaia; VENDITE, Laércio Luis; BARROS, Laécio Carvalho de. Nomograma com Lógica Fuzzy para o Câncer de Próstata – NFCP. Revista Eletrônica de Matemática, Jataí, v. 2, p. 1-11, 2010.http://repositorio.bc.ufg.br/handle/ri/12419We begin developing a fuzzy model aiming to predict the pathologic staging of prostate cancer (SILVEIRA-2007). The model (also known as cancer nomogram) is composed of a fuzzy rule-based system that combines the pre-surgery data of the patient - clinic stat, PSA level, Gleason score - keeping in mind a set of linguistic rules based on the already knwon cancer nomograms of Kattan (STEPHENSON-2006). The output is the odds of the patient to be in each one of the extension stages of the tumor. Several simulations were done with data from patients of UNICAMP's Hospital das Clínicas and the results have been compared with the Kattan probabilities. Next, we validate our results analising the (Receiver Operating Characteristic) curve, using the database of the same hospital. A paper about the construction of the ROC curve was written and will be on the Revista Brasileira de Engenharia Biomédica. A software, named NFCP - Nomograma com Lógica Fuzzy para o Câncer de Próstata, was developed using this model. It was written in JAVA and has a GUI (graphic user interface) that can interact with the calculating sub-routines. This software is iin process of acquiring the patent in the Instituto Nacional da Propriedade Industrial - INPI.porAcesso AbertoCâncer de próstataModelo matemáticoLógica fuzzySoftwareBiomatemáticaProstate cancerMathematical modelFuzzy logicSoftwareBiomathematicsNomograma com Lógica Fuzzy para o Câncer de Próstata – NFCPArtigo