2018-01-112018-01-112010-09GONÇALVES, Ana Teresa Marques. O conceito de representação e os estudos latinos: relendo as obras dos Filostratos e de Calistrato (séculos II/III d.C.). História da Historiografia, Ouro Preto, n. 5, p. 33-43, set. 2010.1983-9928http://repositorio.bc.ufg.br/handle/ri/13390With this paper, we aim to analyse the works of Flavius Philostratus, Philostratus, the Ancient, Philostratus, the Young and Calistratus, entitles The Life of Sofists, Description of Pictures, Images and Descriptions, some important works for art knowledge and its observation for the roman society. This books date of passage the second to third century A.D., during the Antonines and Severans Governments. In this works, reality and imagination one join for the formulation of the concept of representation adequate for the latin world. In the pictures and statues descriptions, the observer provides a direction to leave from look to the images.porAcesso AbertoArteRomanosRepresentaçãoArtRomansRepresentationO conceito de representação e os estudos latinos: relendo as obras dos Filostratos e de Calistrato (séculos II/III d.C.)The conception of representation and Latin studies: analysing Philostratus and Calistratus’ works (II/III Centuries A.D.)Artigo