2019-02-072019-02-072015-06ROCHA, Roberta Costa; RIBEIRO, Dinalva Donizete; MONTEIRO FILHO, Paulo de Alencar. A construção do lugar de viver: projeto de assentamento Santa Rita em Jataí - GO. Caminhos de Geografia, Uberlândia, v. 16, n. 54, p. 64-77, jun. 2015.e- 1678-6343http://repositorio.bc.ufg.br/handle/ri/16988The research which results this article has as its object the rural settlement, as way of peasant resistance to your permanence in the field, and the construction of the place to live in this settlement. The authors of the research are the families of the Santa Rita Settlement Project, located in the city of Jataí – GO, that, in a new environment, build your place, giving it significance and reframing as a peasant place. The study of the place opens perspectives to think about the living and the processes of space appropriation. Methodologically, the primary data were collected through semistructured interviews and application of questionnaires, and the secondary data were obtained from bibliographic researches, in order to further the proposed discussion.porAcesso AbertoGeografia agráriaModo de vida camponêsVivênciaGeography agrarianPeasant way of lifeExperienceA construção do lugar de viver: projeto de assentamento Santa Rita em Jataí - GOThe construction of the place to live: Santa Rita settlement project in JataÍ - GOArtigo