2018-02-092018-02-092011EGITO, A. A.; FIORAVANTI, M. C. S.; GRATTAPAGLIA, D.; RAMOS, A. F.; ALBUQUERQUE, M. S. M.; MARIANTE, A. S. Origem e diversidade genética materna de populações de bovinos da raça Curraleira de diferentes regiões do Brasil. Actas Iberoamericanas de Conservacion Animal, Córdoba, v. 1, p. 110-113, 2011.e- 2253-9727http://repositorio.bc.ufg.br/handle/ri/13604Analysis of mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) has been used as a molecular tool for understanding the origin and nature of domestication processes, analysis of dispersal and gene flow, analysis of demographic expansion, genetic drift and admixture between populations. The Curraleiro bovine breed was originated in the animals introduced by the Iberian settlers and became adapted to the sanitary conditions, climate and management found in Brazil. The objective of this study was to investigate the genetic diversity of this breed by sequencing and analysis of mtDNA control region. We analyzed twelve animals from five distinct regions. Three haplogroups were observed: two of African taurine origin (AA and T1) and one of European taurine origin (T3). The nucleotide diversity observed was 0.013. The highest haplotype diversity was observed within populations (0.012) and not between populations (0.001). The differentiation index observed was 0.074. No significant genetic differences were found among populations in different regions. It was concluded that the Curraleiro populations have the same maternal origin and suffered influence of African taurine animals.porAcesso AbertomtDNADiversidade haplotípicaEstudos populacionaisHaplotype diversityPopulation studiesOrigem e diversidade genética materna de populações de bovinos da raça curraleira de diferentes regiões do BrasilOrigin and maternal genetic diversity of curraleiro bovine breed populations from different regions of BrazilArtigo