2022-02-222022-02-222009TÁRREGA, Maria Cristina Vidotte Blanco; ARAUJO, Ionnara Viera de. A proteção jurídica do produtor rural e dos recursos naturais nos contratos agrários. Revista Paradigma, Ribeirão Preto, n. 18, p. 161-185, 2009.http://repositorio.bc.ufg.br/handle/ri/20250The leases and partnership rural agricultural contracts are typical that the law made by land to protect and minimize inequality in the relations of the field. It especially protects natural resources and one that carries on agricultural activity. This is a historical study of doctrine on the main aspects of these contracts, bringing a critical perspective on the applicability of the Land Law in the contract.porAcesso AbertoContratos agráriosAgricultural contractsArrendamento ruralParceria ruralLeasesRural partnershipA proteção jurídica do produtor rural e dos recursos naturais nos contratos agráriosLegal protection of rural producer and natural resources in agrarian contractsArtigo