2021-05-112021-05-112011-12PREUSS, Elena Ortiz. Acesso lexical e produção de fala bilíngue: o processo de seleção linguística. Organon, Porto Alegre, v. 26, n. 51, p. 81-101, 2011.e- 2238-89150102-6267http://repositorio.bc.ufg.br/handle/ri/19468! is article2 presents the results of an investigation of the pro- duction of bilingual speech, in which interlingual interference e" ects in the speech of bilinguals Portuguese-Spanish and Spanish-Portuguese were analyzed. ! e materials, designed within the picture-word interference paradigm, language interference (semantic, phonological/ orthographic and identity) and cognate (cognates, not cognates and false cognates) ef- fects were manipulated. ! e results provide evidence for the language- speci# c selection hypothesis (Costa et.al., 1999), since the naming laten- cies was faster in the related condition, in contexts involving language identity and phonological/ orthographic facilitation e" ects, as well as in the unrelated condition, when contexts involved semantic interference ef- fects. Furthermore, the cognate status of words played an important role in the process of lexicalization, a fact that needs to be further assessed.porAcesso AbertoLexical selectionBilingual speechInterference effectsCognate effectAcesso lexical e produção de fala bilíngue: o processo de seleção linguísticaArtigo10.22456/2238-8915.28835