2024-03-262024-03-262022-11REZENDE, Felipe A. M.; SOARES, Márlon H. F. B. Análise de elementos corruptivos dos jogos educativos publicados na QNEsc (2012-2021) na perspectiva de Caillois. Química Nova na Escola, São Paulo, v. 44, n. 4, p. 439-451, nov. 2022. DOI: 10.21577/0104-8899.20160330. Disponível em: http://qnesc.sbq.org.br/edicao.php?idEdicao=93. Acesso em: 12 mar. 2024.0104-8899e- 2175-2699http://repositorio.bc.ufg.br//handle/ri/24533The present work aims to identify possible corruptive elements in works that use games for the teaching of Chemistry/Science published in the QNEsc from 2012-2021, and to discuss how corruptions impact pedagogical games and their relationship with the philosophical references of games. The research was carried out through a document analysis, categorized a posteriori in: corruption of the agon; from mimicry; from paidia; and “absence” of corruption. There were works that corrupted paidia due to the data collection and analysis instruments used by teachers. The corruption of the agon highlighted how important and decisive the rules are in games, showing how much teachers do not understand them. 72.7% of the articles examined have corruption directly or indirectly linked to the actions of teachers, data that reinforce the need for greater theoretical, philosophical and methodological deepening of the game.porAcesso AbertoMimicryAgônPaidiaJogoEnsino de QuímicaPedagogical gameChemistry teachingAnálise de elementos corruptivos dos jogos educativos publicados na QNEsc (2012-2021) na perspectiva de CailloisGames corruption from Caillois’ perspective: an analysis of the pedagogical games published at QNEsc 2012-2021Artigo10.21577/0104-8899.20160330