2018-05-232018-05-232008-12CARVALHO, Gélcio Sisteroli de; ALBUQUERQUE, Eduardo Simões de. Estudo descritivo dos óbitos por acidentes de trânsito ocorridos em Goiânia, 1996 - 2002. Estudos, Goiânia, v. 35, n. 11/12, p. 1107-1127, nov./dez. 2008.e- 1983-781Xhttp://repositorio.bc.ufg.br/handle/ri/15064This work describes the distribution of mortality caused by traffic accidents in the urban space of Goiânia, from 1996 to 2002. The sample was 3.091 fatal victims. The growth in the traffic accidents in the period was 36,18%. The rate of mortality by external causes went up from 35,5% (1999) to 40,4% (2000). The majority of victims are young males.porAcesso AbertoMortalidadeViolênciaAcidentes de trânsitoMortalityViolenceTraffic accidentsHealth information systemsEstudo descritivo dos óbitos por acidentes de trânsito ocorridos em Goiânia, 1996 - 2002Artigo10.18224/est.v35i6.766