2021-06-292021-06-292021-06-11BRANDÃO, Geicy Resende; MIRANDA, Juliana Santos de Oliveira; MIRANDA, Sulene Chaves. Do silêncio à voz: representatividade e feminismo na arte e na docência em artes visuais. 2021. 51 f. Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso (Graduação) - Faculdade de Artes Visuais, Universidade Federal de Goiás, Goiânia, 2021.http://repositorio.bc.ufg.br/handle/ri/19637This work aims to think about representation and feminism in the context of art and the teaching of visual arts, in order to investigate issues related to the participation and recognition of women in the artistic universe. We will research female productions, from the perspective of women artists and art educators, in dialogue with authors and agents of the arts. We believe that an education that expands the knowledge and repertoire of students about stories, narratives and culture is possible, highlighting the role of women in society.porAcesso AbertoRepresentação femininaMulheres artistasDocência em arteWomen representationWomen artistsTeaching artDo silêncio à voz: representatividade e feminismo na arte e na docência em artes visuaisTCC