2019-09-052019-09-052018-12RAMOS, Bruno Amaral; SILVA, Alcir Horácio da. As artes circenses na educação física escolar enquanto conteúdo da cultura corporal: suas contribuições para desenvolvimento da expressão corporal e criatividade. Polyphonía, Goiânia, v. 29, n. 2, p.332-347, jul./dez. 2018. Disponível em: https://www.revistas.ufg.br/sv/article/view/57117/32678.http://repositorio.bc.ufg.br/handle/ri/18075The objective of this research is to identify in what way the circus arts could contribute to the development of the creativity and the corporal expression in Physical Education classes. This study was based on a qualitative field research carried out with students of the 3rd year of the integrated technical internet computing course of the Federal Institute of Goiás - Formosa, where we developed a pedagogical intervention in a period of two months, approaching the following contents: juggling with balls and flower stick, “rola-rola” and ropes. The instruments for data collection were structured observation, class reports and a questionnaire. We can take from this study that good planning, allied to the historical aspects of these arts, which have in its essence creativity and body expression, as well as a good process of mediation, based on the action-reflection-action movement, made possible the development of a more expressive, creative, critical and human Physical Education. In this way, we contribute to the integral formation of students, since from the learning process of the circus arts, they have better objective conditions for not reproducing some elements of capitalist society - competition, exploitation, domination, meritocracy, among others - that have been historically materialized in Physical Education classes.porAcesso AbertoArtes circensesEscolaEducação físicaExpressão corporalCriatividadeCircus artsSchoolPhysical educationPhysical expressionCreativityAs artes circenses na educação física escolar enquanto conteúdo da cultura corporal: suas contribuições para desenvolvimento da expressão corporal e criatividadeThe circus arts in school physical education as content of body culture: their contributions to the development of corporal expression and creativityArtigo10.5216/rp.v29i2.57117e- 2238-8850