2013-10-092013-10-092011-12-30MENDONÇA, M. L. M. de. Imagens do envelhecimento: como a mídia brasileira representa a mulher de meia idade. Comunicação & Informação, Goiânia, GO, v. 14, n. 2, p.139-153, jul./dez. 2011. Disponível em: <http://www.revistas.ufg.br/index.php/ci/article/view/22450>.1415- 5842http://repositorio.bc.ufg.br/handle/ri/1351v. 14, n. 2, p.139-153, jul. /dez. 2011.If throughout their life women and men are that not only different but unequal, we may suppose that women age differently and have to face structural disadvantages and discrimination accumulated in their lifetime. “Middle-aged” men are given attributes that are unrelated to their physical appearance, as maturity, charm, power, financial success. On the contrary, a woman is always expected to be youthful, beautiful and sexy. The importance of a permanently young and well-modeled body can be seen also as marketing strategies present in media productions which influences the construction of representations, images and women´s own subjectivity.pt-BREnvelhecimentoRepresentaçãoMídiaMulheresImagens do envelhecimento: como a mídia brasileira representa a mulher de meia idadeImages of aging: how brazilian media represents middle-aged womenArticle