2017-06-062017-06-062016-02BARROS, Mariane Gabrielle Tavares Ferreira. O papel social da escola no processo de superação de estudantes vítimas de abuso e violência sexual. 2016. 88 f. Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso (Graduação) - Faculdade de Educação Física e Dança, Universidade Federal de Goiás, Goiânia, 2016.http://repositorio.bc.ufg.br/handle/ri/12004This research was conducted in a school teaching the state system in the city of Gym, which has as central theme the Abuse and Sexual Violence. We meant to examine which social contribution that the school plays in the lives of students who were victims of sexual abuse and violence, as part of the surveyed school students to reside in a specific shelter for women victims of sexual abuse and violence. Still on the theme fit the need to address the issue of Embodiment in research and investigate how the physical education teacher develops the following subject in their classes. For this was used as a research tool observation of lessons and semi-structured interview with the educational coordinator of school and physical education teacher. At the end of the data collected and their subsequent analysis it was concluded that the studied school is aware of the reality of life of students victimized offering them an education, expand training in any situation be it bureaucratic documentation or grading irregularities. However, the school denies the reality of silencing them on the matter, avoiding working with specific issues on violence and sexual abuse, as well as projects with students and other students. Regarding the physical education teacher, it was analyzed the data collected he understands the discipline in a critical perspective and builds its Learning Plan guided in this, but in her classes, we note that he moves away a little of this method. About Corporality realize possess little knowledge on the subject. During his classes it was observed that it does not work this theme, even knowing the reality of life of students and students residing in the shelter. This research as well as being a job for completion of course, it helps that teachers reflect on the theme of this research is everyday and work on this topic in schoolsporAcesso AbertoCorporalidadeEducação FísicaViolência sexualCorporealityPhysical educationSexual violenceO papel social da escola no processo de superação de estudantes vítimas de abuso e violência sexualTCC