2018-01-242018-01-242014-06CARVALHO, Eugênio Rezende de. A crítica de Norbert Elias à dicotomia entre tempo físico e tempo social. Coletânea, Rio de Janeiro, v. 13, n. 25, p. 31-62, jan./jun. 2014.1677-7883http://repositorio.bc.ufg.br/handle/ri/13511This essay summarizes a broader study about the concept of time by the German sociologist Norbert Elias (1897-1990). It specifically addresses his critique of the dichotomy between physical time and social time – a conceptual division that, according to this author, would be the result of the antithesis between objective and subjective times which, in its turn, has been produced in the dualism inherent to the philosophical and epistemological traditions of objectivism and subjectivism. In short, this work examines the foundations of Elias’ concept of time – which would include what he called the symbolic dimension of consciousness or human experience –, as a possible alternative proposal to the dichotomous, antithetical, and dualistic conceptualizations that have traditionally prevailed in the studies undertaken about time by different areas of knowledge.porAcesso AbertoNorbert EliasTempoTempo físicoTempo socialDicotomia filosófica e epistemológicaNorbert EliasTimePhysical timeSocial timePhilosophical and epistemological dichotomyA crítica de Norbert Elias à dicotomia entre tempo físico e tempo socialNorbert Elias’ critique of the dichotomy between physical time and social timeArtigo