2019-01-072019-01-072004TIPPLE, Anaclara Ferreira Veiga et al. O uso do Glutaraldeído em serviços de saúde e a segurança do trabalhador. Revista Enfermagem UERJ, Rio de Janeiro, v. 12, p. 186-191, 2004.0104-3552http://repositorio.bc.ufg.br/handle/ri/16660Glutaraldehyde is a substance largely used in Brazil for the disinfection or chemical sterilization of thermo-sensitive health care devices; however, the occupational hazards derived from its use have been poorly studied. The purposes of this article are: to characterize the device processing areas that use glutaraldehyde; to measure for how long time do the workers remain exposed to the product; to verify the availability and use of individual protection equipment, and to search for signs and symptoms related to occupational exposure to glutaraldehyde. This descriptive study, of a quantitative approach, has been carried out in two hospitals in Goiânia, between August and November of 2002. Nine hospital units that used glutaraldehyde chemical processing and nine workers responsible for the execution of this process composed the sample studied. The checklist and the questionnaire used for data collection were previously submitted to validation, testing and approval by the Ethics Committee. The results showed that glutaraldehyde processing occurred in areas deprived of adequate ventilation; workers were highly exposed to the substance, and there was negligence and/or inappropriate use of the individual protection equipment, as well as signs/symptoms related to that occupational exposure. In conclusion, we reinforce the importance of following the principles of occupational health protection as well as the need of personnel qualification and training.porAcesso AbertoEnfermagem do trabalhoRisco ocupacionalSegurança no trabalhoServiço de saúdeOccupational nursingOccupational riskSecurity’s workHealth serviceO uso do Glutaraldeído em serviços de saúde e a segurança do trabalhadorThe use of Glutaraldehyde in health services and occupational safetyArtigo