2020-03-042020-03-042010-12CAMARGO, Robson Corrêa de. Neva Leona Boyd e os jogos teatrais: polifonias do teatro improvisacional de Viola Spolin. Fênix: revista de história e estudos culturais, Uberlândia, v. 7, n. 3, p. 1-25, set./dez. 2010.e- 1807-6971http://repositorio.bc.ufg.br/handle/ri/18800This paper presents the concepts of play and game as understood by Neva Boyd (1876- 1963), also presents aspects of her thinking, aspects of her practice, showing their links with the work of Viola Spolin’s theatrical games. It presents a distinction between play and game concepts based in the analysis of the main writings by Neva BoydporAcesso AbertoTrabalho socialJogo dramáticoHull houseResolução de problemasSocial workGame playProblem solvingNeva Leona Boyd e os jogos teatrais: polifonias do teatro improvisacional de Viola SpolinArtigo