2015-10-292015-10-292015-08-31OLIVEIRA, Cícero. O capital político dos riscos econômicos. Philósophos, v. 20, n.1, p. 65-93, jan./jun. 2015. Disponível em: <http://www.revistas.ufg.br/index.php/philosophos/article/view/34778/18930#.ViU8ZX6rQdU>.e-ISSN 1982-2928http://repositorio.bc.ufg.br/handle/ri/11131v. 20, n. 1, p. 65-93, jan./jun. 2015.Abstract: The sociological analysis about some of the most important implications of the recent flexible capitalist system in any way wrong target when binding the general problem of systemic instability to the lack of living conditions, social risks (that this lack is related) and the promotion of a shortterm mentality. After all, these phenomena are witnessed within the particular job, and the policy area in general. Next to the science and technology the economy is one of the main factors that modern institutionalize risk in the social scale. For our approach, developed with facilities in the thoughts of Ulrich Beck, Zygmunt Bauman and Richard Sennett, what matters is that in addition to business opportunities economic risks define the newest tasks of the political sphere socially displaced by the divorce proceedings with the power.porAcesso AbertoPolíticaEconomiaCapitalismo flexívelRiscoPolicyEconomyFlexible capitalismRiskO capital político dos riscos econômicosArtigoDOI: 10.5216/PHI.V20I1.34778