2019-01-292019-01-292011GENOVESE, Luiz Gonzaga Roversi. A reativação do laboratório de ciências como estratégia didático-pedagógica: o caso da valorização dos alunos da turma da 1ª. série F do ensino médio. Ciência em Tela, Rio de Janeiro, v. 4, n. 2, p. 1-14, 2011.e- 1984-154Xhttp://repositorio.bc.ufg.br/handle/ri/16886This work presents the experience of a physics teacher who taught the discipline of Chemistry, at a central school, on his search for rescuing and valuing High-School 1st. Grade F class, mostly formed by students from outlying neighborhoods of an inner city of São Paulo. The reactivation of the Science Laboratory of that school, belonging to public network, was treated as a didactic13 pedagogical strategy, either for students’ socialization or to encourage their learning of the chemistry discipline. Such strategy culminated with a relevant motivation of the referred 1st. Grade F class and with a change of attitude of the school community, in relation to both students and the teacher.porAcesso AbertoValorização de alunosLaboratório de ciênciasAutonomia docenteEnsino de químicaStudents valuingScience laboratoryTeacher autonomyChemistry teachingA reativação do laboratório de ciências como estratégia didático-pedagógica: o caso da valorização dos alunos da turma da 1ª. série F do ensino médioThe science laboratory reactivation as a didactic-pedagogical strategy: the case of valuing high-school students in 1st. grade F classArtigo