2018-01-302018-01-302011-05SANTANA, Eliete Souza; OLIVEIRA, Fábio Henrique de; ROCHA, Tatiane Martins; SANTANA, Robson Rodrigues; ANDRADE, Maria Auxiliadora. Abordagem sobre Salmonella sp. com enfoque na caracterização, patogênese e métodos de diagnóstico em aves. Enciclopédia Biosfera, Goiânia, v. 7, n. 12, p. 1-23, maio 2011.e- 2317-26061809-0583http://repositorio.bc.ufg.br/handle/ri/13545Currently, we have registered an increase of worldwide cases of Salmonella infections in both humans, as in commercial poultry, causing great economic losses, especially for the poultry industry and public health concerns. Considering the physiology of each individual, and the genetic factors that interfere in defense mechanisms, especially in the innate defense in face of assaults by microorganisms, it was proposed in this work. We tried to do a review with the aim of elucidating aspects, involving the characterization, pathogenesis and the main methods for diagnosis of Salmonella sp., and thus improve control measures in herds for breeding and minimize the risk of poisoning in humans humans.porAcesso AbertoDiagnósticoInfecçõesSalmonelosesPatogêneseDiagnosisInfectionsPathogenesisSalmonellosisAbordagem sobre Salmonella sp. com enfoque na caracterização, patogênese e métodos de diagnóstico em avesApproach on Salmonella sp. focusing on characterization, pathogenesis and diagnostic methods in poultryArtigo