2018-02-262018-02-262015-06LIMA, Ângara Nayane Rodrigues; MARTINS, Caroline Porn; MIGUEL, Marina Pacheco. Avaliação do conhecimento de acadêmicos universitários sobre o transplante de medula óssea e dos motivos para o não cadastramento no redome. Enciclopédia Biosfera, Goiânia, v. 11, n. 21, p. 3325-3333, jun. 2015.1809-0583e- 2317-2606http://repositorio.bc.ufg.br/handle/ri/13779The transplantation of bone marrow is used to treat diseases that affects hematopoietic cells either in childhood or adulthood, between compatible individuals. Therefore, this study aimed to analyze the knowledge of academic health care on the bone marrow transplant and the main reasons for not registering in REDOME. Information was obtained through a questionnaire composed of 16 questions. Scholars of health courses were divided into two groups: the early periods (GA) and late periods (GB). The evaluation of the questionnaires showed that most students do not have enough knowledge about the bone marrow transplant, and in earlier periods no students answered the questions correctly in the final period and only 27.16% did. It can be seen that only 14 students out of a total of 83 students are enrolled in REDOME, only 31.25% (5 students) of GA and 29.03% (9 students) of GB. The main reason cited as justification for not registering for bone marrow donation is lack of motivation followed by lack of information. We conclude that students have little knowledge about the bone marrow transplant and who need more motivation and information to sign up for the REDOME.porAcesso AbertoCompatívelREDOMETransplante de medula ósseaHematopoietic progenitor cellsCompatibilityAvaliação do conhecimento de acadêmicos universitários sobre o transplante de medula óssea e dos motivos para o não cadastramento no redomeEvaluation of the knowledge of university academics about the bone marrow transplant and the reasons for not registering in redomeArtigo