2021-05-132021-05-132015TAVARES, Mayara Barbosa; FERNANDES, Eliane Marquez da Fonseca. Discursos sobre a educação nas histórias em quadrinhos. Línguas & Letras, Cascavel, v. 16, n. 32, p. 87-105, 2015.e- 1981-47551517-7238http://repositorio.bc.ufg.br/handle/ri/19478This work aims to analyze the discourses and discursive formation about education, materialized in the following comic strips: Calvin and Hobbes, by Bill Watterson, Mafalda by Quino and Chico Bento, by Maurício de Sousa, and also establish some possible connections among them. The theoretical background is linked to the French orientation on Discourse Analysis focused on Michel Pêcheux’s works (1990a; 1990b; 1999; 2006; 2009), taking into account the notions of meaning’s effect, conditions for production as well as discursive formation. It is also taken conceptions of historicization by Maldidier (2003); concepts of theoretical and analytical device of interpretation by Orlandi (2002), and others. The theory about education is based on the synthesis/work by Mizukami (1986) and the limits for the teaching/learning approach. To problematize the discourses and discursive formations materialized in comic strips about school education the focus is on Paulo Freire’s works (1979; 1987; 1991; 1996; 1997). From the analysis of the discourses and, specially, discursive formations, in Calvin and Hobbes, Mafalda, and Chico Bento’s comic strips, we come to the conclusion that there is approximation among them, as the critics on the traditional teaching/learning approach. It is built up a rejection to the education based on the repetition and on teacher’s authority; among other things. We can also establish dialogue with the socio-cultural design problematized by Paulo Freire.porAcesso AbertoQuadrinhosDiscurso e educaçãoComic stripsDiscourse and educationDiscursos sobre a educação nas histórias em quadrinhosDiscourses on education in comic stripsArtigo