2020-01-242020-01-242019-12-09BOMFIM, Amanda. Percepção do paciente como última barreira para evitar erros de medicação. 2019. 37 f. Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso (Graduação) – Faculdade de Farmácia, Universidade Federal de Goiás, Goiânia, 2019.http://repositorio.bc.ufg.br/handle/ri/18558Patient safety is a cause of concern worldwide because itis a global public health problem. The use of medication in hospital settings is indispensable, but has been a cause for much concern as a result of the increased incidence of errors. A strategy to reduce adverse events is preparing the patient to be an active and empowered member during the hospitalization by participating in the decisions and care. This study aimed to describe the perceptions of patients admitted to a hospital as the last barrier to avoid medication errors, identifying the importance perceived by the patient about the need to know his medications and describe his perception as a protagonist in his safety. The present study is a exploratory research, primary and descriptive nature with qualitative approach with content analysis by the Bardin method, developed from the research problem proposed in a Focal Group of Patients admitted to a Rehabilitation Hospital in Goiás. Based on the perception of the participants in this study, it can be seen that there were few who were active in care at the time of drug administration, and no one understood what it means to be active during the administration of the drug. A determining factor for patient involvement not to occur is the lack of understanding of very technical terms, therefore it is necessary that the professional uses simple and easily understood language, in addition to encouraging co-responsibility and participation in decision-making in drug treatment. The patient knows little about the medicines they receive in the hospital, trust the prescriber and administrator of the medicine, but is afraid to question the health professional. Health professionals, when understanding the need and importance of patient involvement in medicine administration, should act encouraging them to be more active and participative in their care, so that errors in medication administration are minimized.porAcesso AbertoErros de medicaçãoEmpoderamento para a saúdeMedication errorsEmpowerment for healthPercepção do paciente como última barreira para evitar erros de medicaçãoTCC