2023-03-292023-03-292022SILVA, Suiane Francisca da; LAGO, Neuda Alves do. ILF em tempos de pandemia global: análise de atividades remotas de língua inglesa de ensino fundamentall da rede pública municipal de ensino de Palmas-TO. Revista Humanidades e Inovação, Palmas, v. 9, n. 9, p. 10-23, 2022. Disponível em: https://revista.unitins.br/index.php/humanidadeseinovacao/article/view/7465. Acesso em: 17 mar. 2023.e- 2358-8322http://repositorio.bc.ufg.br/handle/ri/22190In the face of the positioning of English as a global lingua franca (ELF) nowadays, this paper, characterized as a documental analysis and framed within the qualitative paradigm, aims to analyze based on the checklist proposed by Oliveira (2010) how the intercultural aspects and varieties of the English Language (EL) intertwined to ELF teaching were covered in the remote activities of the EL curricular component of the 9th grade class of the elementary school, in the municipal public school system of the city of Palmas-TO, throughout the 2020 school year. Thus, as specific objectives, we seek to present a review of the term Lingua Franca, the concept of ELF and data that demonstrate the decline of the figure of the native speaker of EL. Regarding the theoretical background of this study, we based ourselves on the contributions of researchers such as Jenkins (2000), Seildhofer (2002), Nault (2006), and El Kadri (2011), just to name a few of them. From the analysis of the remote activities, we noticed that the EL activities, in a very embryonic way, brought aspects linked to the ELF which were not deepened more critically. That makes us infer that the students have not yet understood widely the implications inherent to its condition as a language being chameleonically appropriated by its global users.porAcesso AbertoInglês como língua francaAtividades remotas de inglêsEnsino fundamentalPalmas Home SchoolEnglish as a lingua francaRemote English activitiesElementary schoolILF em tempos de pandemia global: análise de atividades remotas de língua inglesa do ensino fundamental da rede pública municipal de ensino de Palmas-TOELF in times of global pandemic: analysis of remote English language activities in the elementary school of the municipal public school system of Palmas-TOArtigo