2018-05-112018-05-112006-06SILVA, Márcia Zebina Araújo da. A vida do espírito. Philósophos, Goiânia, v. 11, n. 1, p. 115-128, jan./jun. 2006. Disponível em: <https://www.revistas.ufg.br/philosophos/article/view/3713/3469>.1414-2236http://repositorio.bc.ufg.br/handle/ri/14894Hegel does not destine any part of its workmanships to deal with the life of the spirit, however, when explaining the terms where the life must be understood in the Science of the Logic, it differentiate the speculative dimension of the natural dimension and spiritual, mentioning themselves, specifically, to the life of the spirit. We intend, so only, to show the origin and the implications of this concept in Hegel, rank that, if the natural life is the point highest the one that arrives the nature, the life spiritual is the destination of the man and the proper land of the development of the freedom.porAcesso AbertoVidaEspíritoOntologiaLógicaIdéiaLifeSpiritOntologiaLogicIdeaA vida do espíritoArtigo10.5216/phi.v11i1.3713